anesthesia form

alamo area veterinary clinic

Anesthesia Consent Form

Fill out Alamo Area Veterinary Clinic‘s anesthesia consent form below! We look forward to seeing you.

Anesthesia Consent Form

Thank you for choosing Alamo Area Veterinary Clinic. We look forward to your visit! Please fill the form out below.

Pet Information

Contact Information

* This person has your authority to consent to medical decisions regarding your pet's surgical care in the event we cannot reach you.

Additional Services Desired While Patient Is Sedated

  • • We offer Pre-Anesthetic Blood Work to check for medical problems that may not be detected on physical exam. This blood work checks the following: CBC, liver & kidney enzymes, glucose & electrolytes. The pre-anesthetic testing DOES NOT GUARANTEE that there will not be any complications but it does help to greatly reduce the risk as well as identifying some conditions that may need to be treated. We do recommend this testing for all of our surgery patients. The fee is an additional $138.00
  • • We also offer Pre-Anesthetic ECG to check for heart problems. These will be evaluated by a cardiologist by “telemedicine” and is strongly recommended for any pets that have existing heart problems or have had issues with anesthesia in the past. The fee is an additional $150.00
  • • We also offer PETLINK™ Microchip which provides a permanent form of identification. You will register with a national registry and they will contact you if your pet is ever found and scanned by a shelter or veterinary hospital. The fee is an additional $81.00
